5 Tips For Women That Want to Get Hired!

By Debra Hubers-Paradis 

    I was quite inspired by Terri Murphy "5 Tips For Women That Want To Get Hired." (SuccessBuild.com Feb 7th). In her article she really takes the time to give some solid ideas on how to come out on Top for the interview process.

1) Be Prepared.

     You can be better prepared by offering "skill benefit statements." This is a statement that consist of 2 parts:
  1. A description of your skills and what you can do for the company
  2. A benefit/or(s) you are able to deliver.
Describe your skill:
I can instruct and coach on the use of your x-ray instruments. Note the word "can" emphasizes actions, then at the end of the statement add the words.
"Able to" Example: I can instruct and coach on use of x-ray machines so:
I am able to begin training your people the day I start the job.
Give Specifics, Interviewers are trained to focus on the specifics not the generalities. Generalities indicate promoting you and not your past performances. Instead give solid examples of when you used a specific skill, describe what you did with real obstacles and how you handled those obstacles, along with the results you achieved. As most companies are interested in the bottom line, What Can You Do For Us Today!

2) Create a Self Brand:

     In general be clean, collected and conservative, if you have tattoos please cover them up along with dressing appropriately (no black nail polish), lite perfume and stay away from slang or inappropriate language.

3) Emphasize Your Skills:

     I believe that letting the employer know that you are a self starter, and able to think outside the box is just as important as being a team player, so for the interview focus on your skills and what you can do specifically for the company you are interviewing with.

4) Develop a Strategy for the Tough and Unexpected Questions:

     Most of us fear and are not prepared for the unexpected questions in an interview? Experienced interviewers will ask questions that will stretch your ability to answer and let you demonstrate what skills you really do have to offer.
     I know from experience that when I have taken the time to be prepared, I feel confident in answering any tough questions with a good honest answer which then helps to keep me in the running. I know that when I am prepared and able to answer those tough questions it puts me a step above the rest of the candidates, and it will do the same for you. You will do better to answer the tough questions honestly. Talking about a strength that came from a rough situation in your life let's the interviewer know that you are able to learn from your mistakes and shows that you are not perfect.

5) Get an Champion/Cheerleader :

     A champion/Cheerleader can benefit both you the candidate and the employer by matching the candidate to the employer's immediate need. This can be anyone who's reputation can swing the decision in your favor. That person can speak in your favor from personal experience. People like to hire people that are recommended by someone they trust and know. Remember sometimes it is not always what you know, But who you know, that will at least get you in the door for an interview.
"Terri Murphy" is an inspirational woman leading women to be the best they can be, go to SuccessBuild.com for more information.
     Once you start to transform your performance, behavior, attitude and beliefs, your whole life will blossom outside of your comfort zone.
Aesthetician/Wildfood Specialist 
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