Bob Proctor - A Self-Help Professional

By Brennan Klompmaker

Bob Proctor is the author of the book 'You were Born Rich' which talks about manifesting personal wealth in our lives and how he did it. He is also featured on the movie 'The Secret' that took America by storm. Bob Proctor is committed to showing by example. He tells us in his book how he began his journey very miserable, unhappy and broke. Instead of continuing down this path, his life was touched by Earl Nightingale and from that day forward, Bob Proctor developed himself into the powerful, focused, and actualized person he is today.

He then entered the Canadian Navy and served for four years. After this stint, he went to Toronto and found employment with the fire department. During this period he was penniless, unwell and despondent. Around this time he got a copy of "Think and Grow Rich" written by Napoleon Hill. This made him all set for a revolution in his life.

These concepts and so much more is discussed and taught in Bob Proctor's newest program, 'The Science of Getting Rich.' It is a program that anyone can use to affect real change in their lives and reap the rewards that they deserve, not from hard work, but instead by aligning their thoughts and feelings with their desires. Although some may scoff at this notion, the Law of Attraction is at work in their lives every day and there is just no denying it anymore. Better to work with the laws than against them and use them to enrich our lives in every way. If you have watched The Secret, the name Bob Proctor is probably familiar to you. Bob Proctor is one of the chosen Law of Attraction experts who talked about the Law of Attraction in that movie. He is considered as one of the best motivational speakers in the topic of abundance and financial success.

Apart from this, he started writing his own self-help books. Most of these went on to become instant best sellers and had a major impact on the leading lights in the intellectual community. His most influential book of all times is You Were Born Rich. This is among the best individual progress books written yet. This book can actually help anyone in the pathway to success.

Today, Bob Proctor presides over seminars worldwide and disseminates his message though several media companies he steers. Coaching Consulting Program is offered along with materials designed to educate users on human motivations that do or don't lead to success. He continues to offer a twelve-month coaching program through his website that promises to be a rigorous and intensive series materials and conference calls. He has written numerous books on the topics of getting what you want out of life and fulfilling goals since the 1960s including The Success Puzzle, The Winner's Image, The Goal Achiever and his highly influential and best-selling, You Were Born Rich. Most recently he's been featured on the phenomenally successful movie The Gift, as an interviewee and philosopher. With other experts from the film Bob has been conducting seminars to teach people how to use the power of thought to propel themselves into the powerful people they can become. Bob claims to be spry as ever, in his early 70s, expressing sincere gratitude for his good fortune and abundance every day. He remains committed to the teaching of his system for attaining personal satisfaction.

Bob Proctor together with Mary Morrissey created the 11 Forgotten Laws to fill-in the missing components of the conventional understanding of the Law of Attraction. These 11 laws expand on the Law of Attraction to achieve its great effects. The 11 laws are the principles that formed the whole universe and do not work individually but together as one. To understand the Law of Attraction is to understand the whole 11 laws that formed the universe.The Law of Attraction is just one of the 11 laws of the universe. The 10 others are the law of thinking, supply, receiving, increase, compensation, non-resistance, forgiveness, sacrifice, obedience, and success. People who fail to understand these laws will find themselves unsuccessful in tapping the powers of the Law of Attraction.Bob Proctor has been continuing his mission of teaching people the power of the Law of Attraction for over 40 years now. The key to more wealth, good health, or lasting relationship is through positive thinking and action.Bob Proctor is a famous author, counselor, speaker, entrepreneur, business consultant, and teacher teaching the people the ways to maximize the human potential, self-motivation, and positive thinking.

Bob Proctor is maybe best known as a speaker and star of the hit movie "The Secret". This book is the culmination of Bob Proctor's more than 40 years of study in the world of personal development and success. Bob Proctor was a high school drop out turned firefighter in Toronto Canada who owed more money than he made in a year. He discovered a book that changed his life and started him on a journey that began in 1961 and continues to this day. That book was "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. The year that Bob Proctor started to study that book he made over $100,000 dollars and then over $1 million dollars the next year. He wanted to know what caused him to change when no one around him was changing. He wanted to know how and what made him successful and the result of that study is the book "You Were Born Rich"

Emmett Fox says much the same thing in his writing. He has written that most people think of God's will as being negative, such as a death or sickness. Emmett Fox agrees with what is said in the Bob Proctor Law of Success when he says the Truth is that God's will for us is joy, abundance, success, happiness, love, peace and poise.From the study of all of the 11 Forgotten Laws we know that the right mental attitude and the quality of our thoughts are important. We are taught to attain and keep an attitude of Success. But these attitudes must be incorporated deeply, even down to the level of every cell of our being.

How does this apply to your life? What can you learn from the section you just read? Does what you have read cause you to think about other ways or ideas of doing things? Think about the actions suggested by the book and how you can apply them to your life.The premise that we are all born rich as is outlined in the title of the book was initially difficult to believe. After reading the book I believe that the author has fulfilled the promise of the title "You Were Born Rich". We are all born with the ability to become rich and each person will have a different definition of what rich is to them. If you study this book, not just read it but study it, you will discover that you were born rich. I firmly believe that if you follow the guidance in this book you will become rich, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I know that my life has improved in all these areas since I first read this book.

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