Getting Rich Is An Exact Science

By Dana B. Thompson

This is the second in a series of articles based on the teachings found in the success classic "The Science of Getting Rich", written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles. This book-now in the public domain--is essential reading for anyone who wants to become wealthy.In the second chapter of "The Science of Getting Rich", Mr. Wattles explains that getting rich is a science; in fact, it's an exact science, like mathematics. That is, there's a series of principles or laws that govern the process of acquiring wealth, and once these are learned and systematically applied by anyone, that person will get rich.

A month ago, I was listening to an audio tape from the legendary Earl Nightingale and he was talking about what he termed "The Strangest Secret." The secret, of course, is to believe and succeed. In this tape he challenged his listeners to conduct a test for the next 30 days which I tried and now pass on to you.For the next 30 days take an index card which you can keep with you at all times; so that you can review it whenever you need.

On that card write down "one single goal", it can be a new job, new skill, better relationship, or anything that you want to achieve. Also write down on that index card, an excerpt from "The Sermon on the Mount" where we find these beautiful words: "Ask, and it shall be,given you: seek, and ye shall find;knock, and it shall be,opened unto you: For every one that,asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth: and to him that,knocketh it shall be opened."

"Give advancement to everybody. Beware of the insidious temptation to seek power over other people." "Keep your FAITH, hold to your PURPOSE, have GRATITUDE, and DO -- every day -- all that can be done that day, doing each separate act in a SUCCESSFUL manner."I can continue writing more and more about this book, but I'm inviting you to read it. As you may have noticed, this book is about the Law of Attraction - most of the people who talk about the LOA have used it to develop their own books.

Try it and see if the results.People tend to think that getting rich is most often a matter of luck and timing. While it is true that some people seem to be preternaturally lucky, the reality is that most wealthy people achieve their financial security by practicing the Law of Attraction. Although many rich people may never have heard of the Law of Attraction, they unwittingly follow its principles.

In addition, a lack of capital will not prevent you from getting rich. You can slowly begin to get access to capital and, as you progress, the access to capital will become easier and faster.For the reasons set forth above, Mr. Wattles concludes that the aforementioned factors cannot be the cause of getting rich. So, if getting rich is not a result of the factors discussed above, what does getting rich depend on? Mr. Wattles explains that in order to become rich you have to do things in "a certain way", regardless of where you are, what business you're in, how much capital you have, or how talented you may be.

What you need in order to be able to do things in this "certain way" is:Enough intelligence to read and understand "The Science of Getting Rich".A willingness to interact with people to some degree.Basic common sense; for example, don't start a salmon fishery where there are no salmons.And, most importantly, begin to live in harmony with the laws governing the universe. These laws are explained in "The Science of Getting Rich". Since like causes produce like effects, no matter who you are, where your business is located, or what your personal circumstances may be, if you act in accordance with the principles and laws that govern the process of acquiring wealth, you must get the results you're looking for. The cause is doing things "in a certain way", and money is the effect.

Most of us tend to think negative thoughts. When you think, "I'm undesirable," "I'll be late to my appointment," or "I struggle to make ends meet," you create that experience in your life.... You don't attract a desirable partner, you launch a series of events that makes you late to your appointment, and you prevent yourself from making more money.

Conversely, if you can manage to change negative self-talk into positive self-talk, you can take the first steps on the path to both happiness and prosperity. Person growth instructors like Bob Proctor, who was featured in the phenomenally successful DVD, "The Secret," are using the principles Wattles set forth to teach people how to develop beliefs that lead to financial success. The self help, motivational message he starts with asks people whether or not they truly want to achieve financial independence. For example, his experience is that people are deeply conflicted about money, about their financial goals, and about the prospect of attracting wealth. From there, he works with people to help them change their negative thoughts into affirming thoughts.

One of the most important principals that I strongly believe in and recommend is simple 'smart hard work'. Put in your heart and soul into wherever your talent and passion lies, smartly and the result will definitely be positive. Have faith in your self, have patience and persistence along with tremendous faith in God. Things are sure to fall into place.Do remember to be grateful to every one around you who have helped you achieve your goals of getting rich. Gratitude is another key word in moving towards your goal. Do remember to be grateful to your elders and most importantly to God.There are plenty of choices on your way to getting rich. But only you can choose the right one and follow your dreams of getting rich.

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